Lack of energy makes it difficult to wake up in the morning. Low energy levels influence many decisions we make every day, many that negatively impact the quality of our lives. Help us welcome Phil Drolet to Kingpin Lifestyle for a guest post on 5 strategies to increase your energy levels and personal magnetism.
It's easy to sleep in because you're tired. Skipping the gym/yoga/running because you don't have the energy to go happens for some of us too. In the process of becoming healthier and having more energy a major factor has been over-looked.

Focus is something that you can’t learn unless you have a purpose attached to that focus. Essentially I feel that you need a purpose within yourself to power your different levels of focus. This past weekend I taught one of my best friends, a friend that I have known for over 20 years.
I lived with myself for 20 years before I began to understand why I did the things that I did. Where do my thoughts come from? Why do I have a tendency to self-sabotage? Why am I bad with money? Why do my relationships have the same re-occuring problem? Enjoy the read as I get closer and closer to the answers.
Too much of anything amounts to an exhausting amount of frustration. There are things that need to get done but an overload causes you to drain your creative energy. Alden Tan makes his way to Kingpin Lifestyle to discuss the importance of balance, and how it applies to your life.
The virus that infects your goals is procrastination. Learn how to end this self-destructive habit and internalize a progressive mindset -- bringing your dreams and aspirations that much closer to you.

I am a man in his twenties, I live in Calgary, and I feel I am given the same tools to improve myself as everyone else in the world. I see myself as someone with a great dream, a dream which is thought to serve not just my country, but the whole of humanity.
The Social Dynamics movement has been more than inspiring as of late. This past month I was blessed with the opportunity to write for the Gauntlet and I took the opportunity by the horns. Check out this article and learn about the impact that your friends have on your behaviour.
Recently one of our readers wrote an essay paper for her University Anthropology class about being inspired by the Social Dynamics Movement. This woman is one, now, driven to be more than mediocre. Amanda Timmins brings her creative energy to Kingpin Lifestyle as a tribute to her growth. Listen to Amanda's voice as she encourages you to pursue the lifestyle you've always wanted to live.
Have you noticed you keep dating people with the same annoying qualities? Why do you attract the same needy girls or the same insensitive assholes? Whatever it is- here is insight as to why you date "crazy" people and how you can take steps to find a partner that you can build a happy healthy relationship with.