Are you always bending over-backwards, always available, and always waiting around for your boyfriend or girlfriend? Do you ever wonder why they seem to lose interest? You're fed up, sad, and angry. You know you have a life of your own that you should live but you don't and it's slowly deteriorating along side your social life and ambition. Are you THAT girl or guy?
For all you gents who have a girlfriend or wife and have been thinking of doing a Bootcamp or planning on signing up for one! It may be a little daunting to figure out how to tell your girl that you are participating in a Social Dynamics program: read more on my simple break down on how to communicate it effectively so you are both happy and excited going in to your program.
We don’t date for the sake of dating; we date because we want to get closer to that one particular person who makes everything that much more exciting and fulfilling. In this article I talk about how we attract what we are and how we can focus on what we want in a partner in order to attract them. Make sure you grab a pen and paper to do the exercise as you read along!
Have you noticed you keep dating people with the same annoying qualities? Why do you attract the same needy girls or the same insensitive assholes? Whatever it is- here is insight as to why you date "crazy" people and how you can take steps to find a partner that you can build a happy healthy relationship with.

Many of us who are single maintain a healthy lifestyle to be more more attractive to the opposite sex. But once we are no longer single, it's common to get lazy on our fitness and resort back to bad habits. How do you juggle your fitness with your relationship? Find out inside.
The game of "he said" "she did" is the cause of most relationship issues. The problem is that people spend too much time looking externally and blaming other people for their circumstances instead of looking internally and fixing the flaw in themselves.
The friend zone seems to be a scary topic for the average man. There's nothing worse than having the girl that you want so close to you but just out of reach... right? This article talks about the Dating world's biggest myth: the Friend Zone.
During my family vacation in Maui, I met an incredible person while working in Starbucks. This stranger soon became a friend and gave me great life and dating advice. This is the "4 Things You Need In A Man or Woman" when it comes to long-term relationships. Check this out to read our collective advice on creating connections no matter where you are in the world.
Every day as a member of society we respect many titles that people hold in our world. Every title from the Prime Minister of the country, all the way down to the title of the relationship that we can have with our significant others. Because of that respect, there is a lot of power behind a title, especially the titles on any relationship.
Is the ideal woman being a wafer thin girl who desperately needs a man to save her? This can't be what men ACTUALLY want, is it? In a world where women are starting to become CEO's of major corporations and having children through invetro: How does a strong independent woman survive in the dating world where men can easily be turned-off by the strong-willed successful business woman?