Christmas is the one day of the world that seems to bring us all together. The community mentality leaks into our streets where the homeless are fed, the less fortunate taken care of, our arms are warm and welcoming to all. What about the ones you love the most? Have you given them the greatest gift?
Have you been too busy and can't seem to get into the season's spirit? Does the season feel more stressful than joyous? Do you feel too caught up preparing for the season you forgot to enjoy it? I know what you mean and feel for you. Check out this article to find out what actually matters this time of year.
When was the last time that you took credit for a dispute that happened between you and someone you cared about. When was the last time you directly applied yourself to solve a problem that involved people? Start taking full credibility for you life.
A numerous amount of questions about how to turn phone numbers into dates inspired this past month. Kingpin Social's third books release is today; and with the book comes a promise of no more wasted numbers and many, many strengthened connections.
Welcome to the first ever “Mikey B Show.” Guest staring Daniel Fexa and yours truly, Mikey B! We talk about our thoughts on the true color of what value actually actually is at the core. Watch the video to better understand what the terms “give value freely” and “expect nothing in return” actually mean.
I used to believe that mindsets were the only thing that separated success from failure, in the accomplishment of any of your dreams. This weekend showed me that the world is more than the mind.
What do you do when things don't work out? How do you respond when shit happens especially when you know you've done everything you could've? How do you view failure? Check out this article to find out the answers.
How do your mornings go? Do you wake up and hate life or do you decide to man up and take the day on full force? Are these factors of optimization improving your life or are you letting the downer morning take hold of the rest of your day? Let's get to the bottom of this!
Raised to believe that competition is the driving force of success, we often forget the aspect of humanity that makes us stronger than competition ever could.
Is Social Dynamics only for the boys? Nope. If you are a girl or a guy wanting to explain to a girl what Social Dynamics is, this article is for you. I touch base on the parallels people draw between pick-up and Social Dynamics, and clear the air about where Social Dynamics derived from. Find out why being a girl doesn't separate you from the opportunity to utilize the tools that Social Dynamics can teach you and learn why I am part of this movement that pushes me to live my best life.