Wake Up And Smell The Coffee

Most people who want to start improving themselves start making changes in areas that they are most conscious. What I have learned over the past two weeks from the KPS Crew and every single person in my environment is that they are most conscious during the day. But what times are we not the most present and conscious?

The biggest level up in my life optimization is my morning ritual. This morning I work up, meditated for 20 minutes, showered, dressed up handsomely, and made myself breakfast. Soon after I read “The Way of the Superior Man” outloud to my co-worker and good friend Jamie. This was checking off like 3 boxes in the morning and the way I’m feeling right now is great.

The biggest overall difference for me is that I simply just feel more able to take on the tasks of the day with more confidence, intrigue, and optimism.

Watch the video below! This is a morning that I spent working at the local espresso bar “Kawa,” where I talk about optimizing your mornings to turn those great mornings into great days!

Now that your back! Comment!  What morning rituals do you find help your days to be optimal?


  1. Rushing things through to get things done is one of the worst things you can ever do, hence rushing doesn’t let you to keep track of time. Its literaly destroys your schedule, unless you can pull it off big time – an example: if you are meeting someone at 10:00 am and you woke up at 9:00 am – I am pretty sure by the 9:00 you should have been out the door , eating, or showering, and its all depends how far you have to go. Through this situation everything has to balance out or you are crashed and then again everything falls apart later on – you get out everything is done, you are going to the meeting for 10:00 and its 9:30 now, no problem, going to be 15 minutes earlier let’s say – at the end you are waiting and over the sudden something hits you, and that hit is something that you forgot to bring to the meeting (something important) – and that’s when you start to think negative about the situation – and what you could have done better (going to bed earlier, actually getting up and not being still in bed until 9:10)

  2. I agree Max! These things are absolutely critical in your life whether your just living your day to day life or your running your business and have no time to spare. I use google calendar to organize my time for pretty much 80% of my time. How do you manage your time for your life?

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