Tag dates

3 Valentines Day Tips to Keep In Mind!

The fat baby with the arrow is coming! This February 14th is a date that your significant other is waiting to be swept off of their feet. Keeping these 3 tips in mind will ensure that you make this day memorable for the one you care about.

Strong Women Can Date Too!

Is the ideal woman being a wafer thin girl who desperately needs a man to save her? This can't be what men ACTUALLY want, is it? In a world where women are starting to become CEO's of major corporations and having children through invetro: How does a strong independent woman survive in the dating world where men can easily be turned-off by the strong-willed successful business woman?

Create Better First Dates

First dates are like first impressions; if she doesn't feel the first date, she doesn't feel you. Dinner and a movie doesn't cut it anymore, it's been run through the mill too many times. There's a better way to have memorable first dates, and your bank account will thank you too. Find out inside.

Just take a Chill Pill, Homie

I love getting e-mails from guys (or girls) letting me know how their life is going and the growth they are seeing from studying Social Dynamics. Unfortunately too often these messages are telling me about an urgent situation that isn’t urgent at all. The typical response I send to the majority of e-mails I get are: “Dude, you just need to relax.” Inside you will find three common examples of this. Check them out to make sure you aren't doing any of these.

How to Develop Social Intelligence

"It's always better to give, then to get." You've heard that before. We've only ever learned how to give external gifts, though. What about internal? You can give internal value, and it's the most important currency. Make sure you know how to do it though, read on.