3 Valentines Day Tips to Keep In Mind!

Valentines DayThe day when a big baby grows wings and starts shooting people with arrows is coming up. February 14th is coming up and with it you have no idea where you’re going to take your date. You don’t even know who you should ask to be your date!

Unlike your typical Friday Night date, people are expecting romance on Valentines Day. Failing to meet up to expectations can lead to negative emotion so on Valentines Day if you’ve got someone that you care for it’s important to make sure you deliver. Traditional romance is always a good idea on February 14th.

The Art of Surprises

Suprises go a long way. The most romantic moments of my life have all been suprises. When asked the best kinds of dates to go on for Valentines I was told multiple times “Romantic Dates!” I agree that Romantic Dates seem to be the best ones. I’ve also found that suprise can be the most romantic.

Take the opportunity to show up at your significant other’s work with chocolate and flowers. Drive to their house with their Valentines Day card and present unexpectedly. Plan a suprise date for them and don’t let them know where you’re taking them; only let them know that it’s going to be a night of adventure and suprise. A good suprise is an emotional stimulant and will make this Valentines Day extremely memorable.


Thoughts Mean More than Money

Any guy can get a girl a diamond necklace or a golden pendant. Think outside of the box and get creative. What does your significant other percieve as valuable? I’ve personally recieved books that I’ve found more valuable than expensive earings from loved ones. The most romantic gesture is one that takes careful thought into consideration to understand what would make your significant other feel the best. Maybe she’s an artist and you landed tickets to the local Art Show. Maybe her favorite animal is a Koala Bear and you buy her a big stuffed one so she can own her own Koala bear.

Think outside of the monetary box when thinking of your Valentines Day gift! The most romantic gifts are the ones that are thought about. Suprises go a long way for Valentines Day. Your dates should be romantic and fun; stay away from Dinner and a Movie. Get creative. Wine and Stargazing are more unique than dinner and a move. Your gift doesn’t have to be expensive but it should be creative. It’s always the thought that counts.