Tag process

A Life of Emotion

We live in a world full of emotion, and right before our eyes has been the answer to effective communication the entire time. Genuine connections are based on emotional connections, and we have the ability to create these in an instant.

Believing in Becoming Fearless

The fears that exist in the individual are not fears of the world, but insecurities about the ability of the individual to handle the tasks of the world. In order to grow you must face your deepest emotion, in order to face that emotion you must understand how to find it.

What Separates Success from Failure?

After finishing Up to This Point, a book by Kingpin Social, Kevin and I had a talk about success, happiness, life in general. There are two types of people in this world: there are people that talk about somebody, and there are people who decide to be somebody. Talking, doing, these things are both choices.

The Reason for ALL of Your Failed Goals

We all set goals with the intention of achieving them. Why would you set a goal if you didn't plan on following through with it? Often times we fall short of our goal, ultimately discouraging ourselves from setting them in the first place. The reason for all of your failed goals lay within this article.

Number One Principle to Skyrocket Your Results Today!

Every once in awhile I stumble upon a concept that in theory should be exactly the same as with another skill, but the real life application of it is the total opposite… no matter how ridiculous it is. That’s what I want to talk about today: one concept that in theory should be no different then in other skill-sets, but the application of it is different - and it's holding you back!