Tag process

How To Be Good At Anything: The Process Model

“The Process Model” organizes the naturally recurring parts of your entire development so you can put the principles of the Adult Learning Method and Inchworm into action day after day. It improves results-oriented thinking and leads to a consistently high level of performance while maintaining steady improvement. Find out how to use it inside.

Where Social Dynamics Needs to Start

Kingpin Lifestyle has amazing lessons and great wisdom for you to meditate on, but most importantly they are there for you to take ACTION, to take that information and to challenge yourself with what you have learnt. What Social Dynamics teaches us is that Life = Relationships. I think the missing puzzle is that it needs to start with... Click to read more! ;)

The Missing Piece of the Process

Everybody knows how important it is to focus on the process in order to accomplish your goals. But are people missing the key piece of this puzzle? Inspired by a friend of mine, inside I take a look at that missing piece, and ask if society as a whole is missing the boat. Come inside to have your say.

A Leap of Faith; the Lessons of One Year

It's been a year since I've decided to dedicate myself to the path of self - development. This past year has brought success, failure, ambition, passion, hate, love, self - esteem but most importantly; valuable lessons. One is only as old as their experiences, and my environment has caused the experiences in my life to surface the wisdom of age.