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Social Dynamics: No Girls Allowed!

Is Social Dynamics only for the boys? Nope. If you are a girl or a guy wanting to explain to a girl what Social Dynamics is, this article is for you. I touch base on the parallels people draw between pick-up and Social Dynamics, and clear the air about where Social Dynamics derived from. Find out why being a girl doesn't separate you from the opportunity to utilize the tools that Social Dynamics can teach you and learn why I am part of this movement that pushes me to live my best life.

How to Develop Social Intelligence

"It's always better to give, then to get." You've heard that before. We've only ever learned how to give external gifts, though. What about internal? You can give internal value, and it's the most important currency. Make sure you know how to do it though, read on.

When the Exchange of Value Goes Wrong?

Shortly after arriving home from DJing... my friends announce that the security guard is going to bring us up to the roof of my condo building for a Kingpin Social photoshoot. I can’t say I was very surprised either – it only makes sense that my life is like this… I study Social Dynamics. But there was also something negative about this situation. And it has to do with the exchange of value.