Tag mindsets

Job Security is a Farce

The other day on Facebook, I saw a comment someone posted suggesting that instead of working hard and getting paid accordingly, you should "join a union" so "it doesn't make a difference if the next guy in line is Jesus Christ himself." This guys definition of success was "job security and lots of benefits." I couldn't disagree more. Find out why, and what you should focus on instead, inside.

The Missing Piece of the Process

Everybody knows how important it is to focus on the process in order to accomplish your goals. But are people missing the key piece of this puzzle? Inspired by a friend of mine, inside I take a look at that missing piece, and ask if society as a whole is missing the boat. Come inside to have your say.

Process is Progress

Achieving goals, setting and imagining the possibilities of life is difficult. I know, I've been through it. It isn't easy, but it's worth it. Wouldn't you want to wake up every day and be happy to go to work, doing what you love to do?

Why We Should Pursue Challenging our Beliefs.

Our beliefs are the endpoint that support our values and drive our behavior within the actions we take. As individuals, we don’t have time to pick apart, analyze, and over-intellectualize every problem we have in our lives. Why should we take the time to challenge our beliefs and determine what we really think? Check inside.