Tag dreams

From Part Time, to Go Time

Is what you're doing now, in line with what you would love to do? Bootcamp this weekend inspired me to appreciate my existence. The students this weekend taught me that life is about making what you do now, in line with what you would love to do.

What Separates Success from Failure?

After finishing Up to This Point, a book by Kingpin Social, Kevin and I had a talk about success, happiness, life in general. There are two types of people in this world: there are people that talk about somebody, and there are people who decide to be somebody. Talking, doing, these things are both choices.

Vision Boards: Attracting your BEST life.

So you want to be successful and you want to have direction? Who doesn’t? Successful people all over the world have a lot of things in common; they are ambitious, hard working, but most importantly they have a solid vision. By vision I mean that they have really taken the time to envision the future they want and guess what? They ACTUALLY live the life they have imagined. Want to find out how they did it?