Stop Fucking Up… Start Getting Results

“Everything happens for a reason.”

We’ve all heard that quote before. Have you actually thought about it though? When something negative happens in your life… like you get fired from your job, or your girlfriend breaks up with you, or your friends have an argument with you; we as human beings tend to act emotionally towards those outcomes.

However; “Everything happens for a reason.” What is that reason though? I mean, that statement lightens the emotional blow the situation at hand gives us, but what is the underlying reason for the situation.

The underlying reason for the situation is that you were doing something wrong. Everything happens for a reason is essentially the ultimate accountability factor, because whether or not you believe it, it’s true. The reason behind everything that happens, is that there is a lesson. The reason is something to be learned from, the reason is a platform to grow off of and prevent the reason from holding you back in your future escapades.

Let’s say you get fired from your job. Your boss fires you and tells you that “It just wasn’t working out.”  Everything happens for a reason, right? Figure out the reason that you got fired. Whether you have to ask, or self analyze, you must figure out the reason for everything that happens in your life and learn from that reason. Perhaps you got fired because you weren’t working up to your bosses version of an ideal working standard. Alright, next time you have a job you’ll make sure it’s done in the way your superiors want you to do the job. What if you worked your ass off, though? Did you create a genuine connection with your boss, or did he just see you as an employee? If this is true, than the reason you got fired is you’re not using Social Dynamics to your advantage, and creating genuine connections with everyone that you interact with on a daily basis. The reason you got fired was that your boss didn’t see you as more than employee, and in that you’re replaceable. An employee is replaceable; a friend is an intangible part of each individual’s life. Lesson learned.

What about if your girlfriend breaks up with you? “It just isn’t working out.” But you love her! You’ve given her the world, you’ve showed her your affection in this way, in that way, you’ve never done anything wrong to her. What is the reason behind her breaking up with you? Maybe you don’t understand how the female mind works, and you’re just giving her everything she wants and in the process compromising your own personal integrity. Learn from the situations that happen in your life, especially the negative ones. If you can learn from your experiences, it is a fool that makes the same mistake twice when he is aware of the mistake that he has made.

That being said, it is not just the negative things that happen for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. You get a big promotion at work, that’s awesome. What is the reason behind that? By self – analyzation you come to understand that you made friends with your boss, you worked hard for him in the ways that he wanted and you exceeded his expectations. That was the reason behind the happening. Apply that reason to every area of your life now. Make friends with people and exceed their expectations of you by giving them as much value as possible.

You go to the mall, you approach a girl that you think is absolutely stunning and you grab her number. You text her and it goes well, so you decide to pick up the phone and call. The two of you go on a date, create a real connection and end up dating. Everything happens for a reason. You analyze the situation, talk with her a bit about why it went the way it did and you come to this decision. The reason that the relationship worked out, and continues to work is that from the very second you saw her, you were genuine with your intent. You were assertive and went for what you wanted, and when you sensed there was a connection you went out of your way to make sure that the connection was maintained; heightening the exchange of value. This essentially takes the relationship to the next level. Take that lesson and apply that to your everyday life. Be assertive, go for what you want and when you feel like there’s a lot of potential value for you, make sure that you give value to that thing that you want to get value from.

Taking personal accountability for every individual situation that happens in your life is the best, most efficient way to be better than yesterday.

In the Words of Mr. Einstein

Everything happens for a reason. Take accountability for your own life, your own situation and learn from every experience that comes your way, whether it be positive or negative. Apply those lessons that you learn in your daily life. Think about it like this, if you learn one new lesson each and every day about how to live your life happier, getting more of what you want out of this world… how much more efficient are you going to become over the next year? Over the next 10 years? Each day is a lesson, ever experience is a lesson. The reason behind everything is the lessons from the experiences you have.

Most people have trouble coming to terms with this new perspective of live. Coming to terms with this ultimate truth is coming into this realization: everything that has happened in your life, whether it be positive or negative, has been your lesson to be learned. Have you learned your lesson?

It starts today.


  1. Absolutely brilliant. If I can remember this everyday I can see how my life can be waaaay better. This article was dope and it was the right time for me to. Thanks Brian.

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