Lesson 3: Relationships = Math

Relationships and MathMath is a universal language. By developing the ability to understand relationships by building parallels to the relationship nature of mathematics, much can be learned.

In the previous lesson we talked about building parallels between different skills, concepts and relationships to learn and develop anything. By taking that same concept and building the parallels from mathematics to relationships we can develop a deeper understanding of both applications.

Math and it’s parallels is a great way to understand what a relationship actually is.

Here’s the video for Lesson 3. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comment section below.

Math is referred to as relationships or relations. All of these relations or interactions can be broken down into different exchanges of values. The values we choose to use in math are based on the problems that we choose to apply it to. The values in math are a spectrum of value that encompasses infinity in both the negative and positive direction. The values leading up to infinity can all be quantified, however infinity itself cannot. Outcomes in math are either positive, negative, or zero. The values in math are also completely relative. One million is only a large number compared to numbers smaller than it, but compared to infinity it is nothing.

Interestingly enough all of these same parallels can be drawn back to the nature of relationships with people. All relationships with people can also be broken down into different exchanges of value. Value is something defined by the individual. We choose what we value, what foods we like and what colours we love! The values we choose can be anything and everything. Values like money, food, homes, jobs, cars, etc. can be easily quantified, however there are also values that cannot be quantified like trust, confidence, self esteem, creativity, spontaneity, etc. The outcomes in the relationships that you build will be either good, bad or non-existent. The values in relationships are also completely relative to the individual. iPhones and sports cars are only valuable when if you have food and shelter, but compared to creativity, self esteem, confidence, it is nothing.

Many different parallels can be drawn when building parallels between the relationship building process and the mathematical process.

  • Math: Relationships based on an exchange of value (numerical)
  • Math value: Relative
  • Math: Value is a spectrum covering +/- infinity
  • Math : +/-/0 Outcomes
  • Math value: infinite potential (+/-)
  • Relationships based on an exchange of value (human need and emotion)
  • Relationships value : Relative
  • Relationships: Value is a spectrum also covering +/- infinity
  • Relationship : +/-/0 Outcomes
  • Relationship value: infinite potential (+/-)

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. – Albert Einstein

Even the definition of math and relationships are interchangeable.

Define Math:

  1. The study of numbers, equations, functions, and geometric shapes and their relationships. Some branches of mathematics are characterized by use of strict proofs based on axioms. Some of its major subdivisions are arithmetic,algebra, geometry, and calculus.
  2. The systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically.

Define Relationship:

relationship (rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp)
— n

  1. The state of being connected or related
  2. Association by blood or marriage; kinship
  3. The mutual dealings, connections, or feelings that exist between two parties, countries, people, etc: a business relationship
  4. An emotional or sexual affair or liaison
  5. Logic, maths another name for relation

Relationships and math are the same, as they use each other in their definitions.

Simply put: Relationships = Math

Now, let’s look more in-depth into the parallels of relationships and mathematics.

A relationship is an exchange of value.

Mathematics is an exchange of numerical values.

The type of value being exchanged will dictate the type of relationship that is being created.

For example a relationship built upon shallow values will ultimately turn into a shallow relationship, however a relationship built upon deep values will turn into a deep relationship.

Types of Relationships Kingpin Social

We will be exploring this concept more in depth as we learn more about the different types of value and how to exchange them.

If mathematics are exchanges that are based off of numerical value, then what values are the exchanges we have with other people, or skills, or ourselves based off of?

These are some of the ideas we will cover in the next videos.

P.S. If you want to accelerate your success in implementing these strategies and reaching your goals, we’d love to help you. Apply today to our Mentorship Coaching program and we’ll gladly offer you a free coaching session to see if we’re a good fit.

Next lessons:

Lesson 4: Understanding Value
Lesson 5: Human Needs
Lesson 6: Value vs. Relationships
Lesson 7: Coming soon…
Lesson 8: Coming soon…


  1. Hey Kev…thought this was an awesome video. I love how you explained this concept so simply. I think you really hit the nail on the head with this one. I’m interested to see where this concept will lead…

    I wonder how physics ties into all of this. Much of what we interpret in the world seems to be Newtonian physics: assuming a direct connection between cause and effect. In quantum physics where the rules of physics are tested at a subatomic level, Newtonian theory falls apart. The impact of quantum physics on our daily lives is something we don’t quite fully understand. It is my belief that quantum physics impacts our day to day interactions but I’m not sure exactly how. The laws of the universe don’t need to be understood necessarily to be effective. Sharpening our minds and using our lives as an experiment can teach us all we need to understand and sometimes this can be without us knowing the ‘why’.

    Thanks for putting this together Kev! It makes this much easier for everyone else…especially with the comparisons and definitions. Keep it up! 🙂

  2. “Do not worry too much about your difficulties in mathematics, I can assure you that mine are still greater.” -Albert Einstein

  3. Thanks for the insights bro!! I’ll have look into more physics parallels. I have a few concepts that tie into physics already. It’s definitely a vast subject.

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