Tag ego

Believing in Becoming Fearless

The fears that exist in the individual are not fears of the world, but insecurities about the ability of the individual to handle the tasks of the world. In order to grow you must face your deepest emotion, in order to face that emotion you must understand how to find it.

What Separates Success from Failure?

After finishing Up to This Point, a book by Kingpin Social, Kevin and I had a talk about success, happiness, life in general. There are two types of people in this world: there are people that talk about somebody, and there are people who decide to be somebody. Talking, doing, these things are both choices.

Facing Yourself: Developing Self Worth

The only enemy that exists win your life is an internal one. Facing yourself and coming to terms with the things that you need to fix in your life is developing internal self worth. It's a step by step process, this article outlines the first step.