Social Dynamics in a Nutshell…

Social DynamicsKingpin Lifestyle’s foundation was built off of studying human behavior and applying our discussed hypothesis to meeting new people. You’ve been browsing the site and come across the term “Social Dynamics”… and now you’re probably wondering what we’re talking about.

For the past 4 years the instructors at Kingpin Lifestyle have dedicated their life to relationship development. It started with meeting new people but what happens when you make that friend while you’re out socializing? We realized that approaching people is useless without the skill set to take the connection to the next level; no matter what the next level is. It might be to network for our passion, to date our significant other or to meet the social circle we’ve always wanted to be a part of.

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Throughout our journey creating and strengthening new connections we started to understand why people do the things that they do. This helped us strengthen our family relationships, our relationship with our friends and most importantly the relationship with ourselves.

Here’s Your Chance

Social Dynamics is the term that we’ve chosen at Kingpin Lifestyle to represent the concepts we’ve created. We’ve broken down all relationships to a mathematical formula that anyone can understand and apply immediately to improve the quality of their life. The concepts we teach and live by are innovative, unique, and guarantee to show you your relationships from an elevated perspective.

I’ve compiled a few of the best articles for you about Social Dynamics. These articles talk about the relationship formula we’ve developed and specific instances that we continue to apply them in our life. These articles also give you the “how – to” for application of the knowledge.

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