

Cam Adair is a Motivational Speaker who dares you to live a life you're proud of. Watch his TEDx talks on Escaping Video Game Addiction and The Surprising Truth About Rejection. Follow him on Instagram. He is the Founder of Game Quitters, a support community for those who struggle with a gaming problem.

And So it Begins…

Why Are We Here? This community draws a crowd from all areas. Men of all shapes and sizes come to learn the tricks of the trade. The personal trainer, the successful entrepreneur, even the guy who plays World of Warcraft…

Cam; The Last 14,592 Hours

So here we are… 4am on a Sunday (Monday).. Just put on Tool’s 10,000 days album. Vicarious blasting away in my headphones. This song really epitomizes exactly how I feel right now. If you listened to the lyrics it would…