The Mikey B Show: New Experiences

New experiences are great because they provide the high levels of growth that you can use to level yourself up. Instead of making up reasons not to do something, start thinking of reasons TO do anything! The trick to going after new experiences is to give a fuck about yourself enough that you want to make yourself a more valuable person.

The cool thing about that is if you want to be included in, let’s say the dance community as an example, you simply need to start making yourself more useful to the dancers in that community. Start to offer the people that are doing the things you want to do value in ways that they can appreciate. Where do you start you might ask? The answer is a new experience!

Take a dance lesson or go to a local dance event. Experience what it is that the people in the dance community actually love about what they do. Now… you can start building a relationship with the bridge of knowledge you have just established.

Calvin Tang is a local bartender who has taught me a lot about new experiences just by understanding his attitude towards trying new things. Watch The Mikey B Show: New Experiences linked below and see how Calvin and I walk through the steps to new experiences and how we feel about them.

Now that your back leave us a comment on what new experiences you want to try or want to share.


  1. I agree Max! There are so many new experiences to be had that simply doing them will level yourself up. One of those New Experiences could be Yoga 🙂

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