Tag organization

Building Integrity… and Freeing Time!

It's easy to say you're going to do something, it's harder to follow through with those actions. Being awesome isn't always easy, you've got so many people to see! Free up more of your time, and find out the easiest way to start sticking to your word.

How to Kick Yourself in the Ass

If we could only find a way to hold ourselves accountable to our word. We know what needs to get done to be the most productive, to be happy. How often do we do it though? Read this article on how you can build your own accountability.

The State of Your Room is the State of Your Mind

Do you ever look back on the past year and realize how much progress you have made? Do you ever try to determine the top lessons you learned throughout the year that made the biggest impact? Looking back to 2010 I learned two major lessons that had a direct impact on the rest of my year. One of them was making my bed. Wait what? Something so simple? Absolutely. Read why.