Math is a universal language. By developing the ability to understand relationships by building parallels to the relationship nature of mathematics, much can be learned. In lesson 3 you will learn how to use this concept to your advantage.
Human beings are creatures of habit and patterns. In lesson 2 we talk about the parallels between relationships and how if you're good at one thing you can build parallels between it and other relationships to develop them too. Check out the video for more.
On November 7th, 2011 former Olympic Gold Medalist and Undisputed World Heavyweight Boxing Champion “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed away. Joe Frazier's story is an inspiration to millions worldwide. So what can we learn from his life to apply in our own? Find out inside.
This past weekend I ran another bootcamp for Kingpin Social in beautiful Kelowna, BC. The coolest part about the weekend was that not only did the student level up, but I did too. The lesson I learned cost me $400. And I'd pay it again in a heartbeat. Find out what it was inside.
For the last five weeks I have been travelling solo across the USA teaching men the concepts we talk about on this blog. I have been to 4 different cities, met countless people, and learned a lot. I feel blessed to have been on this trip. It was life changing. In this article I’ll go through the various lessons I’ve been learned, and also share the many observations I made along the way.