Tag anxiety

How To Overcome Your Fears

Mikey B
Before my Intensive Program over the weekend, I never thought I would learn as much as I did. There were times before the program where I caught myself feeling emotions such as fear and anxiety. Eventually I realized that what I was experiencing was irrational fear. So I set out to figure out how to overcome these fears. Find out how I did it inside.

Believing in Becoming Fearless

The fears that exist in the individual are not fears of the world, but insecurities about the ability of the individual to handle the tasks of the world. In order to grow you must face your deepest emotion, in order to face that emotion you must understand how to find it.

Find the Calm within the Storm

Yesterday I woke up to some bad news. The night before a close friend had been charged with a DUI. I ended up going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with him, and during the discussion period I was reminded of a valuable lesson to keep in mind when times are tough. Learn more inside.

The State of Your Room is the State of Your Mind

Do you ever look back on the past year and realize how much progress you have made? Do you ever try to determine the top lessons you learned throughout the year that made the biggest impact? Looking back to 2010 I learned two major lessons that had a direct impact on the rest of my year. One of them was making my bed. Wait what? Something so simple? Absolutely. Read why.