Developing Social Skills – An Interview on Dudesday Podcast (E10)

My friend Mike Sokolowski recently interviewed me on Dudesday podcast.

Listen and download for free here

In this episode you will learn:

– How to personalize your learning to create your own path and go after what you want in the world.
– An important insight into personality traits and how to harness them for good instead of evil.
– A process to build community and leverage it to build a business.
– How I told my parents I was dropping out of high school (twice), and what they thought about it.
– 2 key lessons of asking for forgiveness instead of asking for permission.

Want to develop YOUR social skills?

I’m currently accepting 2 clients for my coaching program. If you want to develop your social skills, build your confidence and surround yourself by people who inspire you, email me and I can share more with you about it.

Here’s what one client emailed me recently: “I had a great conversation with this girl that I met at a coffee shop this evening and thought I’d let you know! The outcome would have probably been very different before April.”