In The Media: CW’s Daybreak Features Cam on Video Game Addiction

kwgn_logoOn August 30th I had the pleasure of appearing on CW’s Daybreak segment to talk about video game addiction in advance of my upcoming TEDx talk in Boulder, CO on September 21st.

You can watch the video here

This was my first TV appearance. Although I was nervous, I feel pretty good about how I did.

What do you think? Did I do alright?

I’m really excited to have been featured because this opens up many more doors for us to get our message out there. Although it’s a small segment, the social proof will make a tremendous difference in our ability to attract more press in the future. I will continue to do whatever I can to help spread our message as a community further.

We’re launching a program soon to help you (or someone you know) quit playing video games. Sign up for updates by going here.