Who is Kingpin Social?

In February 2009 Kevin and I embarked on a journey that would change our lives forever. For years prior to this date Kevin and I had come to grow increasingly frustrated with the social side of our lives. We suffered from low self-esteem, we didn’t have the friends we wanted and we lacked any significant dating options. We desperately wanted to wake up every day motivated and inspired to live life to the fullest. We wanted the special bonds close friendships cultivate and the opportunity to share our lives with another to experience romance at its most intimate heights.

We had questions. We deserved answers. We didn’t want to be left behind.

We began to ask the question: Where do these problems originate in the first place?

At the age of six years old parents enroll their kids in various school systems, excited about the prospect of their kids becoming educated, going to college and moving forward with the tools they need to live prosperous lives. Social skills may not be part of the official school curriculum like Math and Science are, however, Social Development is without question an expected result of their decision to enroll their child in the school system. Parents assume their kids will learn the social skills they need by simply being in a social environment.

But what if they don’t?

What if you have a child who is naturally shy and thus, does not make as many friends as one who is outgoing? What about the child who has a rough home life and his only outlet for the frustration he feels inside is to unleash it on other children around him? What would happen to a child if he were bullied, shattering his self-esteem and leaving him to live life in fear of others?

How would any of these situations encourage proper Social Development?

The real tragedy is that these types of situations happen every single day in school systems around the world. Kevin and I have experienced them first hand. Personally, I was bullied from Grade 8 to 12. Four years is a long time to be put down, made to feel you’re not worthy enough, that you can’t be yourself and you simply don’t belong. What affect does this type of prolonged suffering have on a child’s life moving forward? I can only begin to imagine the various situations you – the person reading this right now – have personally found yourself in. This is simply unacceptable.

What would need to change for the next generation of children to come after us?

The answer to us became clear: Social Dynamics would have to be become a staple in every school system’s curriculum. Being social is not a choice we have – it’s in our very nature as social creatures. Understanding the social side of our life is of crucial importance for the success of our future. It’s a skill we need and deserve to be taught.

And so began Kingpin Social’s journey to answer the questions so many people in our world ask themselves each and every day, and to develop a curriculum schools around the globe could implement to give their kids the chance at a better life – one with great friends and, in due time, options for romance, without the frustration we all live with due to our lack of social understanding.

Over the past 4 years we have worked hard to develop our Social Dynamics curriculum, and we’re proud to announce it’s finally begun to find its way online for the benefit of all. New lessons will be released on a weekly basis, so make sure you don’t miss out by subscribing below.

Not only that, but we have also secured our first contract with a school to test our ideas in an actual classroom beginning in the Spring 2013.

Now… for the naysayers out there who claim Social Dynamics has no business being taught in schools (due to the sensitive nature of indoctrination, understand our approach is different than others who have tried before us. We have no desire to force upon others a set of beliefs when it comes to the social side. Our only desire is to equip people with the social framework necessary to live the life they want. (What this life is, however, is completely up to them, only.)

Think of Social Dynamics as a framework, based on the social matrix that exists everywhere. Our approach does not focus on a set of beliefs, but a set of axioms that all humans live within. I hope this helps eleviate any concerns you may have.

So, come join us and check out the lessons for yourself… and, if you like them, please share them with your friends and family.