Kingpin Social Goes to Startup Weekend

startup weekend calgary
This past weekend Kevin and I participated in “Startup Weekend” here in Calgary. The event is a culmination of putting 80 entrepreneurs in a room, pitching ideas, selecting the best ones, forming teams, and then speaking 56 hours building these new businesses as much as possible to compete in a final presentation in front of a panel of judges… with various prizes going to the winners.

11 different teams were formed of various sizes. Kevin participated on team “Outrank”, and I joined “Mood2Food”. My team was fortunate to win 2nd place!

There were many lessons learned throughout the weekend, which Kevin’s team leader wrote about here.

“Startup Weekends” run across the globe so if this sounds like a fun idea to you, check out their website and sign up for one in your area… both Kevin and I highly recommend it!