Insecurities Are Unattractive, but Vulnerability is Sexy

Recently a friend sent me a TED talk by Brené Brown on the power of vulnerability. Vulnerability is a concept that, until a few months ago, was very foreign and intimidating for me to consider applying within my life. I feel like many other males feel the same way about this concept. Being vulnerable is associated with being weak. As men, we are not exactly taught to show weakness. However as I’ve spent more time actively practicing the art of vulnerability, I’ve come to learn it’s not only a great show of strength, but incredibly powerful in developing connections with other people. And this is why we’re here right? Connection is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. It’s how we’re wired. Connection is what we all strive for each and every day, and I can only imagine on some level what’s attracted you to the Social Dynamics Movement is our pursuit of understanding how to truly connect.

And of course, there is a BIG difference between being insecure and being vulnerable. It’s no surprise that being insecure is unattractive, while being vulnerable is sexy. The difference is subtle but significant!

So today I wanted to share with you this TED talk on the power of vulnerability. Check it out and let’s talk about it more! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject. How can you be more vulnerable? Is this something that scares you?

Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability

Remember, it takes courage to be vulnerable, and courage means to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart. No holding back!

For more information on vulnerability, you can also check out Karim Saleh’s amazing post on How Embracing Vulnerability Can Make You Infinitely More Confident (And End Up Hurting You Less In The Long Run.)