
Our mission with Kingpin Social is to provide a world class social education for all. A step in that direction is releasing our theory for free via the video lessons below.

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In their simplest form, Relationships are an exchange of value. If you can like it, dislike it, love it, or hate it, you can build a relationship. Everything is a relationship which is why understanding how to build them is the most valuable skill anyone could stand to learn. In these lessons you will learn how to build better relationships.

Lesson 1: The Importance of Relationships
Lesson 2: Building Parallels Between Relationships
Lesson 3: Relationships = Math
Lesson 4: Understanding Value
Lesson 5: Human Needs
Lesson 6: Value vs. Relationships
Lesson 7: Coming soon…
Lesson 8: Coming soon…


Evolution is the idea that everything is the product of its environment. This also means YOU are the product of YOUR environment. Wouldn’t it make sense to be in control of the environment you put yourself into so that you could allow that environment to create your ideal self, life, and purpose? The first step is always building awareness. Learn what parts of your environment shape you into who you are.

Lesson 1: You are the Product of Your Environment
Lesson 2: Defining Your Environment
Lesson 3: Coming soon…
Lesson 4: Coming soon…
Lesson 5: Coming soon…
Lesson 6: Coming soon…


Purpose is an infinitely big and important idea. It looks different for everyone but not everyone finds it. If Purpose is so important why is it that we are never told about or taught how to find? So what is Purpose and how can you find it? This precisely what we discuss in this section of videos.

Lesson 1: Coming soon…
Lesson 2: Coming soon…
Lesson 3: Coming soon…
Lesson 4: Coming soon…
Lesson 5: Coming soon…
Lesson 6: Coming soon…

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