Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
David O’ Neill is a 25 year old Kingpin Social graduate. He is currently living in Calgary, Alberta and pursuing both his passions; Social Dynamics and Fitness.
He values personal development, reading and … blah blah blah.
David O’ Neill doesn’t do very well speaking in third person.
“Hi there, allow me to start over…”
One saying that really resonates in my heart is one my best friend once said.
“Would you rather be a great manipulator or a great man?”
I knew right away I wanted to be the latter however I had no idea how to start or where to begin. Growing up I’ve moved more than a dozen times, been overweight, bullied and had my heart crushed. I knew all of the struggle would eventually turn into a source of strength.
I’ve had the pleasure to be surrounded by great people my entire life, my father being one, but I was unable to see what the qualities were that made them great.
If you think David sucks at talking in third person, tell the Twittersphere by clicking here.
After taking the Kingpin Social bootcamp the answer suddenly became so clear. Give value freely, understand other peoples perception of value and live to serve.
“The paradox of fulfilment; Give to get, get to give”
Understanding my purpose you can say, was exactly what I needed to take the first steps to becoming great.
Living Social Dynamics I’ve learned that it applies to all things including the most important relationship you will ever have. The relationship you have with yourself.
A lot of people want change but in order for things to change, I must change.
I believe the greatest mistake I can make is to go simply go through the motions. Come follow me as I step outside my comfort zones and being as open and honest about my experiences (good or bad) but ultimately spreading as much love and positivity as possible.
Let’s make amazing things happen!
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“This is effing BRILLIANT”
–David, Office Manager