Tag relationships

Don’t be Her Therapist, Bro.

Have you ever been friends with a girl who only seems to talk to you when she wants to bitch about her problems and get your advice... but doesn't seem to be interested in anything else? Like you're just being used? I've been there too, so I thought I'd talk about it. Check inside for the solution you've been looking for.

When the Exchange of Value Goes Wrong?

Shortly after arriving home from DJing... my friends announce that the security guard is going to bring us up to the roof of my condo building for a Kingpin Social photoshoot. I can’t say I was very surprised either – it only makes sense that my life is like this… I study Social Dynamics. But there was also something negative about this situation. And it has to do with the exchange of value.

A Girls Take On Ultimatums

Ever wanted to get a girls take on why ultimatums are stupid and a HUGE turn off? Inside you will find a personal look at a guy who tried to give me an ultimatum over Facebook and winded up without the girl and a bruised ego.

Finally the End of Shitty Dates

So you meet a girl you are actually interested in, and now you want to go on a date. But if you're anything like me, coming up with date ideas is frustrating and sucks monkey balls. The other night I realized why this was such a painful process for me, and came up with a solution that will take your dates to the next level, where you can actually connect and have an experience the two of you will never forget, instead of going on your typical boring date that ends without inspiration for another one.