Mission 1: Pack Your Bags

Recently my roommates moved out and I was forced to decide my next steps. Moving is always a stressful event, but within it I learned a valuable lesson about my time and energy, by observing the purpose and function of the belongings I had with me. Did I really need all of this "stuff"? Find out inside.

Lesson 2: Defining Your Environment

To define what your environment is we have to look at the patterns we see in the environment. We look for the commonalities between all of the possible things that could potentially make up our environment. Find out how we do it in Lesson 2 on Environment.

How To Be Good At Anything: The Process Model

“The Process Model” organizes the naturally recurring parts of your entire development so you can put the principles of the Adult Learning Method and Inchworm into action day after day. It improves results-oriented thinking and leads to a consistently high level of performance while maintaining steady improvement. Find out how to use it inside.