Life is Too Short to Not Be Lived Passionately

Change Ahead47 days ago I sent an email that changed my life.

In 2009 I drove through the beautiful city of Kelowna on route to Pentiction, BC for a rugby trip. At the time I was extremely passionate about Football. Losing city finals that year left a bitter taste in my mouth – I don’t do very well coming in second place. I wanted more. During a greyhound bus break on the trip I stopped by the Apple Bowl stadium and I had the opportunity to marvel at the stands. Ever since, I’ve dreamt of playing on it

After a shoulder separation in 2009 I dropped my dream of playing Football at the next level and continued to live my life. No matter how much I tried to leave football, football wouldn’t leave me. My favorite color is Red, and uncoincidentally is also the color of my team jersey for my Forest Lawn High Titans – my first football team. My helmet, shoulderpads, accomplishments and game film sat neatly organized near my closet for 2 years in plain sight for me to reminisce on every day I woke up to get dressed in the morning.

This year a good friend, Ryan Bellows, asked me to sign up for Flag Football with him. I went out to the Flag Football team and was met with pleasant surprise: my athleticism had not died and I could still play the game. Thirsty for more, I tried out for the Calgary Gators (you guys are awesome) and made the team.

I began to wonder if I had what it took to play at the next level. Looking into my options 47 days ago I sent an email to Coach Lake of the Okanagan Sun asking him for an opportunity to try out for his team. My hopes were high for an opportunity, but I didn’t expect a response.

Hi Brian,
Thanks for the mail. Where did you play football in high school and last season Brian? Do you have any film available?
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Kind Regards,
Coach Lake

A Journey Into the Unknown

Okanagan SunI write this blog post from KVR Coffee in Kelowna, British Columbia. I am proud to call myself a member of the fantastic Okanagan Sun football team. Playing for the Okanagan Sun is a blessing – the athletes are phenomenal and the family atmosphere is more welcoming than I would have ever imagined. Not only did I get to fulfill my dream of playing on the Apple Bowl field in Kelowna BC, I now have the greatest opportunity of my life to gain valuable experience in the 2012 season with a team that has massive potential to put up explosive numbers.

I’ve lived in Kelowna for 3 weeks now. Coach Lake’s hasty response encouraged me to pack up my bags and take a shot in the dark at a dream I’d always wished for. I believe any idea has the potential to turn into reality. To take the dreams inside your head and mold them into your reality takes effort, day in and day out and the ability to make a decision and follow through with it.

Live the Life of Your Dreams

47 days ago I made the decision to send an email. That email sparked the experience of this moment in Kelowna, BC where I write this blog post to you. That email has completely changed my life for the better and spawned more personal growth than I ever would have imagined. I’ve learned life lessons I never would have known if I stayed in Calgary and I’ve become a part of an organization that is becoming better and better each day.

And it all started with a simple message.

Time passes so fast and with each second that ticks away on the clock the window of opportunity for your dreams gets smaller and smaller as more people dive through windows similar to yours.

Playing for the Okanagan Sun has always been a dream of mine. There was always so many excuses too. “I waited too long,” “I’m not good enough anymore,” “I’m not fast enough anymore,” but there came a moment where I made a decision to run towards my fears instead of away from them.

Most people spend their entire lives on autopilot, making decisions that flow with group consensus instead of having individual dreams and values and following through with them. Most people spend their life living stuck inside their habits instead of choosing to break free and live a life of their dreams.

It’s easy to want to live the life of your dreams. It’s easy to wish for better to come. The hard part is taking action and turning your dreams into things for your eyes to see, your hands to touch, your emotions to feel.

Look Inside Yourself. It’s Time to Take Action.

Have your dreams turned into regrets? What vision have you put on the backburner? When are you going to take the broken dream inside of your mind, stop playing the victim and start taking action to solve your life and live your vision?

Pen and PaperWrite down ONE experience you’ve always wanted to create for yourself. For some of you this will come easy, for others not so much. Take 10 minutes (time yourself, it helps) and write down one experience you’ve always wanted to create for yourself.

47 days ago I spent 10 minutes on an email that has forever altered the course of my life. I’m now blessed to play alongside extremely talented athletes in a sport I grew to love in my younger years. Do yourself this favor. Gives yourself this gift of 10 simple minutes.

Once you’’re done, take one action step towards living the life of your dream. It could be as small as sending an email, calling someone you know could help, dropping off a resume, applying for a class, whatever it is. Take one action step towards your vision.

10 minutes could change your life.


  1. Great article!

    Life works out towards you, when you want it bad enough – the only things that stop people from that is an extra step that they have to take towards their dream. That extra step (10 minutes) can change life for better.

    Good luck with your season Brian.


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