Category Mental Performance

Do You Really Need That?

What's the ratio of the clothes you own to what you actually wear? Are you disappointed with the amount of money you've wasted? But retail therapy feels good right? If you could take everything back, where would you have rather invested your money in? Check out this article before you hit up the mall and go shopping.

Where Social Dynamics Needs to Start

Kingpin Lifestyle has amazing lessons and great wisdom for you to meditate on, but most importantly they are there for you to take ACTION, to take that information and to challenge yourself with what you have learnt. What Social Dynamics teaches us is that Life = Relationships. I think the missing puzzle is that it needs to start with... Click to read more! ;)

Life and Lessons of Joe Frazier, RIP

On November 7th, 2011 former Olympic Gold Medalist and Undisputed World Heavyweight Boxing Champion “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier passed away. Joe Frazier's story is an inspiration to millions worldwide. So what can we learn from his life to apply in our own? Find out inside.

Job Security is a Farce

The other day on Facebook, I saw a comment someone posted suggesting that instead of working hard and getting paid accordingly, you should "join a union" so "it doesn't make a difference if the next guy in line is Jesus Christ himself." This guys definition of success was "job security and lots of benefits." I couldn't disagree more. Find out why, and what you should focus on instead, inside.

The Missing Piece of the Process

Everybody knows how important it is to focus on the process in order to accomplish your goals. But are people missing the key piece of this puzzle? Inspired by a friend of mine, inside I take a look at that missing piece, and ask if society as a whole is missing the boat. Come inside to have your say.

Believing in Becoming Fearless

The fears that exist in the individual are not fears of the world, but insecurities about the ability of the individual to handle the tasks of the world. In order to grow you must face your deepest emotion, in order to face that emotion you must understand how to find it.