Recently a guy named Ryan Bellows signed up for our Intensive Program. The weekend program would go on to change this life forever. During the program Ryan realized that he had an addiction to alcohol. Today we are happy to report that he is 30 days sober. How did he do it? How did Social Dynamics help? Here his story inside.
A person with an average level of thinking floats through life accepting things "as is", never creating a vision for themselves because they fear the idea of change. Champions create a vision and work towards it because they know they power they have inside of their minds.
Does Social Dynamics apply to sports? Could you take the fundamentals of Social Dynamics into your sport to achieve the levels of performance that you want? One of our students, Mike Zhark, is an elite level swimmer, and using Social Dynamics he has achieved these greater levels of performance. Find out how inside.
I am the enemy of myself. Going after my dreams has always been a vision of mine. Along the way I've run into a problem that plagues each and every single person who lives. The enemy of my dreams is me. I control the outcome of my dreams -- the failures and the successes.
I lived with myself for 20 years before I began to understand why I did the things that I did. Where do my thoughts come from? Why do I have a tendency to self-sabotage? Why am I bad with money? Why do my relationships have the same re-occuring problem? Enjoy the read as I get closer and closer to the answers.

I am a man in his twenties, I live in Calgary, and I feel I am given the same tools to improve myself as everyone else in the world. I see myself as someone with a great dream, a dream which is thought to serve not just my country, but the whole of humanity.
Have you noticed you keep dating people with the same annoying qualities? Why do you attract the same needy girls or the same insensitive assholes? Whatever it is- here is insight as to why you date "crazy" people and how you can take steps to find a partner that you can build a happy healthy relationship with.
Time is ticking away and it's never coming back. Are you doing the things that you love with your time? Every moment in time that you waste contemplating your options is a moment in time that you will never get back. It's time for you to take control of your life now.

My main goal is to build a powerful and attractive body that looks great naked without having my whole life revolve around food and working out. This means eating 6-8 meals per day, like many fitness people recommend, is not an option. I had to find a better way.

Recently I read a quote in the book “The Alchemist” that impacted my life. The author says, “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times, and get up eight.” I felt like sharing this idea would bring a lot of genuine value to the people! The idea made sense to me because I have fallen time after time in my life and the only difference between then and now is I got back up and keep going.