The clothes you wear are an external reflection of who you are. Is the image you are currently portraying congruent to that? Did you know the image you portray will have a serious impact on the people you attract? Come inside to find out more.
Last year I started using one tool that dramatically increased my level of productivity and organization, allowing me to get more out of life to do what I want to do. What is the one tool I recommend most for someone looking to take their lifestyle to the next level? Find out inside.
It's been a year since I've decided to dedicate myself to the path of self - development. This past year has brought success, failure, ambition, passion, hate, love, self - esteem but most importantly; valuable lessons. One is only as old as their experiences, and my environment has caused the experiences in my life to surface the wisdom of age.
Are you looking for support? Or are you looking for love? We all want to build relationships and we all want to find love. Single mothers are obviously no different. There a lot of things to navigate through as a single mother especially when it comes to dating. Click here for more information.
We live in a world full of emotion, and right before our eyes has been the answer to effective communication the entire time. Genuine connections are based on emotional connections, and we have the ability to create these in an instant.
This past weekend I ran another bootcamp for Kingpin Social in beautiful Kelowna, BC. The coolest part about the weekend was that not only did the student level up, but I did too. The lesson I learned cost me $400. And I'd pay it again in a heartbeat. Find out what it was inside.
Guys, as you improve your Social Dynamics, you become more socially affluent and attract the right kind of women and so you are bound to meet strong, independent, self-approved women. Which begs the question: "How do you date these kind of women? How do you calibrate? Do you be chivalrous? Click here to find out the answer!
Life can get pretty crazy sometimes. Life likes to throw you curveballs. Shit happens. I’ve had a lot of shit happen to me too, but this post isn't about moping about giving each other sympathy cards. Inside you will find 6 lessons I've learned from the shit that's happened to me, and I believe it can help when shit happens to you. Find out more inside.
After finishing Up to This Point, a book by Kingpin Social, Kevin and I had a talk about success, happiness, life in general. There are two types of people in this world: there are people that talk about somebody, and there are people who decide to be somebody. Talking, doing, these things are both choices.
Have you ever been "seeing" a guy/girl and felt like they were coming on a little too strong, too fast? Me too. So when I had a friend recently ask me: “Why do guys always want you once your almost completely out of the relationship?” I knew it was the perfect topic to write about. Check inside to make sure you aren't making this mistake!