Life comes down to the relationships you keep. Relationships come down to an exchange of value, and value is relative to an individuals perception of value. So how can we improve our ability to determine someone’s perception of value besides asking the necessary questions? How about studying a person’s astrological sign? Find out more inside.
With the recent passing of the brilliant Steve Jobs, I thought I would throw together the top 10 quotes of his that speak out to me. Enjoy.
Happiness is elusive, but once you start to speed yourself up you begin to catch up with it. Long term happiness has always been outside of my reality, but as I begin to build a solid relationship with myself the answer becomes clearer.
Long-lasting happiness seems so elusive, for the exception of the drunken weekends and the high times. Inspired by an individual who takes consistent action, this article is based around one of the fundamental keys to happiness.
The other night I went out with a guy who'd been told I was legendary with girls. Most people would love this attention, but it worked against me. The whole night, as we floundered around the bar, I barely approached and talked to any any girls. I dished out a lot of excuses. Here's why.
Body language and tonality make up for most of the communication between individuals. Cops understand this, and they use body language and tonality to make sure that you're listening to them. Learn the tricks inside.
It's easy to say you're going to do something, it's harder to follow through with those actions. Being awesome isn't always easy, you've got so many people to see! Free up more of your time, and find out the easiest way to start sticking to your word.
Recently I took the plunge and set up my very own account on POF to try a social experiment on online dating. Being new to the online dating community I didn’t really know what to expect. I received over 200 messages in the first 24 hours. Overwhelmed would be an understatement. After spending the last week and a half reading through the messages, here are some tips I have for men, on how to be successful with online dating.
If I could write a letter to my 17 year old self, it'll be something like this...
Developing new connections can be tough, if you don't understand it. The only reason you haven't done it yet is because you don't know how. Develop more of an understanding for the world, and make it easier on yourself to create more options.