So you really dig this girl, and maybe you dig a few of her other friends but not really as much as this one smoke show. You get this 'brilliant' idea that instead of making a connection with the one girl you really desire that you submerge yourself in the entire group of friends to make her jealous. Hey, can’t hurt right? Wrong. Find out why, inside.
Most people don't know what they're looking for in a quality compadre, so most people never find it. Read this article and find out what you're looking for in your ideal individual, and stop dating people who aren't fitting the mold you're looking for!
Too often people don't learn the daily lessons that life provides for us. Too often the individual allows themselves to mope and allow their emotions to take control, blaming external forces for their inconveniences. This article will show you, the smart individual, how to separate yourself from the emotion and see the lesson in the experiences.
Getting that momentum going at the club can be difficult when you want to go out and talk to strangers. This article outlines the easiest way for you to get that ball rolling the second you walk through the club.
One of the biggest problems men who aspire to improve their dating life run into is getting the girl on the date, after the phone number exchange. This article outlines how you can avoid the pitfall of failed date plans, and consistently get dates with quality women.
Getting over relationships can be tough. Tupac Shakur offers his words of wisdom to help you with that.
So you meet a girl you are actually interested in, and now you want to go on a date. But if you're anything like me, coming up with date ideas is frustrating and sucks monkey balls. The other night I realized why this was such a painful process for me, and came up with a solution that will take your dates to the next level, where you can actually connect and have an experience the two of you will never forget, instead of going on your typical boring date that ends without inspiration for another one.
On Saturday I got news from a student I taught in Spring 2010 that him and his long-term girlfriend are expecting! To say I’m ecstatic about this news would be an understatement. Does this finally prove that getting involved in social dynamics is actually one of the smartest decisions you can make? Does this finally prove that learning social dynamics works, and gets real results? My thoughts on this inside.
Being back in the frozen land of Canada for the last week and a half has been a blast. Yesterday I was hanging out with Kevin, and as normal the conversation revolved around social dynamics and the pickup artist community. At one point Kevin explained how pickup is fundamentally flawed, which I thought was a great topic for todays post. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
… But you don’t know how to call girls. You don’t know what to say on the phone. Where do you start? You met the girl of your dreams, you got her number and now you want to get her on a date. Make the call.