Cam has been selected to give a TEDx talk!

texI’m thrilled to finally announce the big news I received last week!

On September 21st I will have the honor of speaking at TEDxBoulder on the topic of video game addiction.

This has been a dream of mine for a long time and I couldn’t be more excited to stand on stage and be a voice for a community of people I believe are being left behind.

Why I Care

For over 10 years I was addicted to video games. This addiction left me feeling trapped, and I hated myself for it. Every day I consciously wasted my potential, not knowing how to fix the pain I experienced.

This addiction affected many areas of my life including being a major influence in my decision to drop out of high school at the age of 15.

Finally, in March 2010, I decided to quit forever and since that day the decision to quit playing video games has been the greatest gift I’ve ever given myself, so I decided to share my story. I wrote an article online about how to quit playing video games and the response has been overwhelming with over 960+ comments from people all aroudn the world and of all ages.

This article has now become the #1 resource on the internet for quitting video games and has now been read by over 200,000 people worldwide.

Unfortunately, too often the conversation around video games focuses on whether you should play or not, when that’s like saying should you drink or not, if you can do it in moderation who cares, but what if you can’t? What if right now you’re sitting at home playing video games and you want to stop and don’t know how?

Current research suggests that 91% of kids ages 2-17 (64 million) are gaming in the U.S. with the fastest growing age group kids ages 2-5. In fact, in the U.K., 10% more children ages 2-5 are able to operate a smartphone application than are able to tie their own shoes.

Video game addiction is a growing problem with a serious lack of attention.

I’ve developed a framework to help people get over their addiction to video games, so I hope you’ll join me at TEDxBoulder on September 21st.

Thank you to the organizers for selecting me, fellow speakers for having their own courage and everybody who encouraged me to pursue this opportunity.

You can purchase tickets and learn more about the event here:


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