We are creatures of habit and it's easy to fall into the bad habit of judging people. This is a short story on how I was able to fix my negative judgment of other people and myself.
The easiest way to grow exponentially is to have a mentor. Mentors cut YEARS off your learning curve. But not all mentors are made equal and some can be better than others. Do your mentors have these 3 qualities? Find out inside.
Throughout your whole entire life you will hear the advice "Be Yourself". I'm sure up to this point you've already heard it a million times. Sometimes it can be frustrating because it's hard to understand what it really means. Find out how to use it to take your life to the next level inside.
After a recent call with my Mother, I had the realization of hidden value she was bringing to my life. If you've ever heard your mother say "Why don't you ever call me?", then this post is for you! Find out 3 reasons you should call her, inside.
Have you ever judged yourself for the bad ideas that come from your mind? You have to admit it's kind of humorous that every time we have a bad idea it appears like the end of the world is near. But really, is there a better way to deal with your bad ideas? Find out the answer, inside.
A key part of having a good Lifestyle is adding local culture to your life. One way to do this is by exploring your city to discover various venues that fit your tastes. Kawa Espresso Bar is a local Calgary establishment specializing in Coffee and Wine. But it's not just that. Kawa attracts an interesting mix of multicultural professionals making it a great place to socialize. So we sent Mikey B to check it out.
Sometimes it can be hard to find time to read that book you've always wanted to read. It can be hard to sit down. Life is busy and there's always more important things to do than read. But I was finally able to discover a secret that has allowed me to learn valuable knowledge I've always wanted... all without having to sit down and actually read a book. Find out what it is, inside.

Before my Intensive Program over the weekend, I never thought I would learn as much as I did. There were times before the program where I caught myself feeling emotions such as fear and anxiety. Eventually I realized that what I was experiencing was irrational fear. So I set out to figure out how to overcome these fears. Find out how I did it inside.

Focus is something that you can’t learn unless you have a purpose attached to that focus. Essentially I feel that you need a purpose within yourself to power your different levels of focus. This past weekend I taught one of my best friends, a friend that I have known for over 20 years.