

Cam Adair is a Motivational Speaker who dares you to live a life you're proud of. Watch his TEDx talks on Escaping Video Game Addiction and The Surprising Truth About Rejection. Follow him on Instagram. He is the Founder of Game Quitters, a support community for those who struggle with a gaming problem.

Just take a Chill Pill, Homie

I love getting e-mails from guys (or girls) letting me know how their life is going and the growth they are seeing from studying Social Dynamics. Unfortunately too often these messages are telling me about an urgent situation that isn’t urgent at all. The typical response I send to the majority of e-mails I get are: “Dude, you just need to relax.” Inside you will find three common examples of this. Check them out to make sure you aren't doing any of these.

Easy to Implement Strategy for Meeting Girls in Class

With school back in session, I’ve had plenty of people sending me e-mails and hitting me up on Facebook asking how they can approach that cutie in class. What’s the best strategy? If I approach will she think I’m creepy? What if she’s always sitting next to other guys? None of this matters. Find an easy to implement solution inside.

Find the Calm within the Storm

Yesterday I woke up to some bad news. The night before a close friend had been charged with a DUI. I ended up going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with him, and during the discussion period I was reminded of a valuable lesson to keep in mind when times are tough. Learn more inside.

Don’t be Her Therapist, Bro.

Have you ever been friends with a girl who only seems to talk to you when she wants to bitch about her problems and get your advice... but doesn't seem to be interested in anything else? Like you're just being used? I've been there too, so I thought I'd talk about it. Check inside for the solution you've been looking for.

Mystery Gives Bad Advice: Guys Listen, Guys Fail.

When meeting a stranger, it can be uncomfortable situation. This is why having a good sense of humor is such a money quality to have. If you can make someone laugh, it breaks the ice and allows that person to be more comfortable in your presence. So what's something else you can do to help people be comfortable with you? Check inside.

What Lady Gaga and Twitter Have in Common?

Today, Twitter has over 200 millions users, with over 1 billion tweets being sent out per week. Meanwhile, Lady Gaga has been listed on the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world. There is an underlying theme between both of these major success stories, and it's not what you would think.