Last year I started using one tool that dramatically increased my level of productivity and organization, allowing me to get more out of life to do what I want to do. What is the one tool I recommend most for someone looking to take their lifestyle to the next level? Find out inside.
I am where I am because of the help I have received from friends and mentors throughout the years. Because of this, I view it as my duty to give back and help others who seek the same. Recently I received an e-mail in my inbox from a reader that I thought would make a great topic for today's post.
This past weekend I ran another bootcamp for Kingpin Social in beautiful Kelowna, BC. The coolest part about the weekend was that not only did the student level up, but I did too. The lesson I learned cost me $400. And I'd pay it again in a heartbeat. Find out what it was inside.
While browsing a forum the other day I saw a question posted by a user asking how to avoid relapsing back into bad habits and losing all the progress he had made during his self-improvement journey. This is something I've dealt with for a long time. Here are my thoughts.
A few days ago I wrote about how “the results you are looking for aren’t measured in phone numbers, make-outs or lays, but in connections.” At the end of my post I promised to reveal my secret weapon for building connections and taking them to the next level. So what is the secret? Come inside to find out.
Making the full switch to Social Dynamics has brought a few interesting problems. One of which being: "What should my goals be when I go out?" This problem stumped me for awhile but recently I was finally able to find the answer. This is a game changer. Don't miss out.
With the recent passing of the brilliant Steve Jobs, I thought I would throw together the top 10 quotes of his that speak out to me. Enjoy.
The other night one of my students sent me a text asking if he could give me a call. During the call he says he’s been having a bit of trouble lately and would like to hear my thoughts. Since beginning his journey into Social Dynamics he's lost interest in other areas of his life. This is common, and the solution is simple. Find out inside.
Body language and tonality make up for most of the communication between individuals. Cops understand this, and they use body language and tonality to make sure that you're listening to them. Learn the tricks inside.