

Brian is a firm believer in living in the present. Brian lives his life by the philosophy “Act for the future, not because of the past.” He is a passionate writer, a sober socialite and aspires to be a positive influence to everyone he interacts with. Read more about Brian here.

Embrace the Power of Your Beliefs

Your beliefs are what make your world the way it is; whether that be something you want or not. Your beliefs are your closest friend or your biggest enemy, depending on how much value they bring you. Read this article and learn how to use your beliefs as a tool on your belt, propelling you towards the life that you want to live.

How to Develop Social Intelligence

"It's always better to give, then to get." You've heard that before. We've only ever learned how to give external gifts, though. What about internal? You can give internal value, and it's the most important currency. Make sure you know how to do it though, read on.

How to Kick Yourself in the Ass

If we could only find a way to hold ourselves accountable to our word. We know what needs to get done to be the most productive, to be happy. How often do we do it though? Read this article on how you can build your own accountability.

7 Billion People = 7 Billion Options

The ignorant world exists and thinks that they are a victim to the cards that they are dealt. There are 7 billion people in this world right now, that means there are 7 billion options. Read this article to find out more on how to take advantage of those options.

Change Your Mind to Change Your Life

You're awake for 16 hours during the day, of which you'll constantly be thinking. Thinking about what you can do, thinking about what you can't do. Your mind is constantly working, all day, spending mental energy. So what are you spending your mental energy on? Read this article to find out how you can use this to your advantage, and shift your focus from what you can't do, to what you can do.