Everybody knows that physical fitness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. But just because it's important doesn't mean it's easy to get off the couch to go work out. Here are 4 tips I've found have helped me do just that, and keep me accountable to my fitness goals.
Studies show that 93% of communication is nonverbal. 53% of this comes from your body language. That's right. Over half of what you communicate is said silently through your body and it's actions. Here are 5 classic body language tips you need to remember.
Have you ever wondered what it means to be virtuous or how you can improve those qualities deemed to be virtues? Have a peek inside to find out how you can "work out", inside and out.
Have you ever wondered what sort of relationships you're building in life? What the difference is between positive relationships and those relationships that are draining? Here are three simple tips to figure out what's what in building personal relationships with yourself, and others.
Gender biases are complicated issues that many people don't even realize they ascribe to. In today's day and age, things are repeated over and over so that these sentiments will be accepted as truths. However, many of these truths are not in fact accurate. The aim of this article is to aid in remedying one of the biggest misconceptions in present society. Let's make men and women one species again.
Recently one of our readers wrote an essay paper for her University Anthropology class about being inspired by the Social Dynamics Movement. This woman is one, now, driven to be more than mediocre. Amanda Timmins brings her creative energy to Kingpin Lifestyle as a tribute to her growth. Listen to Amanda's voice as she encourages you to pursue the lifestyle you've always wanted to live.