Month August 2011

The Power Behind Being Present

We all do it. We all day-dream and often think about past regrets or the fears we have for the future. We forget to live in the moment and to truly appreciate all the blessings and opportunities that are at our disposal. Learn how to be more present, and open yourself up to a whole new realm of possibilities and success.

Why We Should Pursue Challenging our Beliefs.

Our beliefs are the endpoint that support our values and drive our behavior within the actions we take. As individuals, we don’t have time to pick apart, analyze, and over-intellectualize every problem we have in our lives. Why should we take the time to challenge our beliefs and determine what we really think? Check inside.

What Lady Gaga and Twitter Have in Common?

Today, Twitter has over 200 millions users, with over 1 billion tweets being sent out per week. Meanwhile, Lady Gaga has been listed on the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world. There is an underlying theme between both of these major success stories, and it's not what you would think.

Embrace the Power of Your Beliefs

Your beliefs are what make your world the way it is; whether that be something you want or not. Your beliefs are your closest friend or your biggest enemy, depending on how much value they bring you. Read this article and learn how to use your beliefs as a tool on your belt, propelling you towards the life that you want to live.

How to See Your Goals Through..

A friend and I we’re having a chat at 3:30 am. “Sigh” I’m scared and excited to hear what he had to say. A concern that was brought up was a comfort zone that I have. I like creating and starting things. I like the idea of putting together something from nothing.There’s a problem though if the idea is not seen all the way through. So how have I been able to fix this and accomplish my goals?

How to Develop Social Intelligence

"It's always better to give, then to get." You've heard that before. We've only ever learned how to give external gifts, though. What about internal? You can give internal value, and it's the most important currency. Make sure you know how to do it though, read on.