What Separates Success from Failure?

After finishing Up to This Point, a book by Kingpin Social, Kevin and I had a talk about success, happiness, life in general. There are two types of people in this world: there are people that talk about somebody, and there are people who decide to be somebody. Talking, doing, these things are both choices.

Become the Intelligent Conversationalist

"93% of your communication is Non - Verbal, only 7% is Verbal". I'm sure we've all heard that before. No one has taken the time to dive into the other 93% of communication though. In this article I dive in avid detail to the other 93% of communication, and how you can use it to make you an intelligent conversationalist.

Self Integrity = Happiness

Happiness is elusive, but once you start to speed yourself up you begin to catch up with it. Long term happiness has always been outside of my reality, but as I begin to build a solid relationship with myself the answer becomes clearer.