Month September 2011

Building Integrity… and Freeing Time!

It's easy to say you're going to do something, it's harder to follow through with those actions. Being awesome isn't always easy, you've got so many people to see! Free up more of your time, and find out the easiest way to start sticking to your word.

Process is Progress

Achieving goals, setting and imagining the possibilities of life is difficult. I know, I've been through it. It isn't easy, but it's worth it. Wouldn't you want to wake up every day and be happy to go to work, doing what you love to do?

Too Many Fish With The Same One-Liners

Recently I took the plunge and set up my very own account on POF to try a social experiment on online dating. Being new to the online dating community I didn’t really know what to expect. I received over 200 messages in the first 24 hours. Overwhelmed would be an understatement. After spending the last week and a half reading through the messages, here are some tips I have for men, on how to be successful with online dating.

Just take a Chill Pill, Homie

I love getting e-mails from guys (or girls) letting me know how their life is going and the growth they are seeing from studying Social Dynamics. Unfortunately too often these messages are telling me about an urgent situation that isn’t urgent at all. The typical response I send to the majority of e-mails I get are: “Dude, you just need to relax.” Inside you will find three common examples of this. Check them out to make sure you aren't doing any of these.