Month May 2011

Cam in the USA. An Update After Vegas

Wowzers. Currently on a plane heading to Washington, DC; I’ve been in Las Vegas Nevada for the last week. It’s been an interesting trip so far. I’m halfway done, 2 cities down, 2 left to go. I’ll be back home…

How to Infect the World with Positivity

You ever walk down the street in a daze? The people around you seem to pass in a blur; the steps you take seem to be without number as your mind wanders. With your thought patterns occupied by life’s problems you’re unable to notice the beautiful world we live in today. This post teaches you how to break FREE from that trance.

Q and A: Getting Over Your Fear of Rejection

The other day I checked my email inbox and in it was an interesting question. This is a problem I know ALOT of guys deal with when first starting out, so below is my response to his question "How do I increase my confidence internally and stop caring so much about what others may think?" Check it out!

Action Steps To Conquer Laziness

I went to the Gym today and saw something ugly. It was the first time at Talisman in awhile. I needed to get my running in so I figured I’d check the track out. At first, I was only going…

And So it Begins…

Why Are We Here? This community draws a crowd from all areas. Men of all shapes and sizes come to learn the tricks of the trade. The personal trainer, the successful entrepreneur, even the guy who plays World of Warcraft…